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In the in between

I just wanted to write a quick blog about what’s been
going on in my life since training camp and a story that I heard this morning
on NPR.


I’ve been working an average of about 35 hours a week for
the past three weeks, great for my checking account but it makes me super busy
with not that much free time! Many people that I worked with graduated, so the
new younger workers that have been hired need to be trained. Mark (my boss) has
had me training the newbies and covering hours as my co-workers and UTeach professors
are getting used to their new schedules. I’ll miss the people here and I’m
extremely thankful for the extra work when I’ve needed it the most, but I’m
ready to leave! (at least in regards to work)

Cleaning and

Something I haven’t been doing enough of and I could use
y’alls prayers to be able to get everything done in the next week and a half!

Medical Issues

Of course the moment I am about to go off of my parents
insurance would when I come down with a rash on the back of my arms. Turns out
it was keratosis pilaris, a very treatable genetic skin condition. It did stop
me from getting some of my immunizations when the travel nurses didn’t know
what it was but all is well now and they have been rescheduled. For those of
you that don’t know, I found out last year that sour cream can trigger my
migraines/headaches. I somehow ate some sour cream earlier this week without
knowing it and had a migraine and then headaches for a few days afterwards. (My
money is on the creamy tomato soup that I ordered on Sunday and had never had
from this particular restaurant) I need to be even more careful I guess.


It’s been great to see all of the people that I didn’t
get to see over the summer. But the first time I walked back into overflow, I
felt from the Lord that I am right where I need to be and that I’m moving on
from here. I love the people and always will but it is time for my community to
grow, expand, and change. Thanks to all of you Wesley peeps that made college
so meaningful!


Last night I went with some Wesley kids to the Union’s
underground bowling ally. The pictures that you see are from the fun we had


For those of you that haven’t realized it, its 9/11. And
I feel the need to share a story that I heard this morning about a father that
lost both of his sons that morning eight years ago. The father himself was a
retired NYC fireman with one son following his footsteps and the other becoming
a NYC policeman. He talked about the some of the memories that he had of his
sons but one in particular stuck out to me. His son John Jr. had called him the
night before and they had ended their conversation with “I love you son, I love
you dad”. The next morning his son Joe called and told him to turn on the news
and that he was headed down to the buildings, his dad said “Be careful, I love
you. I love you too dad.” As the father pointed out, not many people get the
chance to say and hear “I love you” as the last thing communicated from a loved
one. It stuck out to me because I realized this lesson 9 years ago. I didn’t
take the time to say that to my grandmother the day she died. After that I promised
myself that it would be the last thing my parents and I say to each other when
we are saying goodbye on the phone or in person. Not many of you need this encouragement
but today please take the time to say I love you to those that might not hear
it enough.