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A different kind of Easter

First, Happy
Easter everyone!! Just wanted to give everyone a quick update over the past few

Easter, Pastor Gift and a few other close churches do an Easter camp out, this
year it was held at a school. (Kind of like midwinter but for Easter and for
all age groups) We were put in charge of the children’s and youth ministry. And
in typical African fashion, we didn’t know much about it before hand. We
planned a few things and had the basic understanding of what we were going to
teach the kids, on Friday – Jesus’ life and ministry, Saturday – his death, and
Sunday – his resurrection. But beyond that we pretty much winged it with the
few craft supplies that we brought and told bible stories when we had a

night it was raining cats and dogs when we were supposed to leave so we got
there late. Thursday night’s mosquitoes were bad enough that the next night we
decided to go back to the center instead of camping out on the school’s floors,
Lila and I both only got about 4 hours of sleep that night. Friday most things
went as planned, the guys took over the youth group and the girls the
children’s ministry. Saturday, Lila needed to stay back at the center, the guys
had to go get more food from a not so near by town. I took the kids and Jess’
the youth for the one session that we had that day. Early that day I felt a
headache coming on so I took some medicine but it didn’t go away at all. I had
a pastor pray over me. But by the last service I couldn’t stay in the room
because it was simply too loud. Worship is always loud especially in a school
auditorium, but there was a large speaker hooked up to a few microphones and a
keyboard – not where I want to be with a migraine. Eventually Pastor Gift and
Philile found me outside and took me back to the center. After taking some
heavy duty drugs and waiting a few hours for them to kick in, my migraine was
finally gone. Easter morning, all I wanted to do was sleep and let my body
relax. So I got a lot of alone time as Lila took my place back at the campout
teaching the kids. Not exactly the Easter that had been planned but I got the
rest that I really needed and the alone time I’d been craving.

Please keep
praying with me about these migraines…I really feel like there is some kind of
revelation or lesson to be learned especially in the timing of this last one. I
love and miss y’all so much! We only 40 days left here. Lord let there be
purpose in every single one of them!


  1. Praying for you Katie – I’m sorry these migraines are rough for you right now. May God touch your body today!

  2. I pray God will give you discernment Katie, and help you understand the cause of these migraines. Also, everyone here loves you and misses you! But I’m sure God’s got stuff planned for the next 40 days (sounds like a familiar number to me… 40 days of lent? 40 years in the desert? ;), so keep on doing what you’re doing- it’s making a difference whether you realize it or not 🙂

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